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Re: Rearing Horse
>>the arena and around the yard. As soon as we head away
>from home always in the company of another horse, we
>get a certain distance out never the same spot and this mare
>will all of a sudden start rearing and striking with her back legs
>and will refuse to go on.
First, IMHO, if you feel you need help, get a good trainer.
It's never a bad investment to ask for good help. Plus you
will learn too. Horses are big and can cause harm without
meaning to.
If you feel you can work on it on your own, then insist she
go forward. Work just going back and forth along that part
of the trail. Like for an hour or two. You might be surprised
at how fast a horse will respond. Once you find a way past
the behavior she will pull this less and less until it goes
away. The second horse is a very good idea.
Magnum refused to pass the gate. He'd just spin though. I used
a crop and turned him. He was much less scary. He went forward
for me. He'd spin a couple more times. I'd swat his butt with
the crop. He'd turn and go on. I got sick of him spinning so
I stuck the crop next to his face one day before he could spin.
He hesitated and then went forward that day. Next time I just
had to hold the crop out sideways. After a few days he just
forgot to spin or hesitate at all.
Rama refused to go through the gate. He'd spin and run. Worse
than Magnum. One day all we did was ride in and out the gate.
The first day he actually reared up on me. Pretty scary. I
hung on and we went through anyways. Western saddle. :) All
I did was walk him back and forth through the gate for 45 minutes.
Then I put him away. He never pulled it again.
It can be very scary though. If you enlist a trainer, you might
find that the filly *will* remember the training and go for you
too. You have to make sure you are in charge though.
Good luck! Keep us posted!
:) - kat myers
in San Mateo, CA. with Magnum the TB ex-racer
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