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Canyon De Shelley Ride
- Subject: Canyon De Shelley Ride
- From: guest@endurance.net
- Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 08:16:09 -0800 (PST)
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From: Kandhy Franklin
Email: kfrankli@sdcoe.k12.ca.us
Ride with some riders from the San Diego area in Canyon De Shelly. The only way to see the ancient ruins & experience the Navajo Way is to take this trip with Justin Tso and his family. They will cater three meals each day, bring a potta-pottie, shower, and horses. I am planning a day's rest on the 6th so the horses that are brought will have a chance to acclimate and we can get to meet each other. If you need a seat saver, bring one, we are planning to be in the saddle for 5-6 hours a day. The cost for the 4 days and three night ride is $590.00 with Justin's horses, $295.00 if you take your own. Directions, a video of the trip is available if you aren't familiar with the area. The video is great by the way. Some of the music comes from "The Good Bad &the Ugly and the Ponderosa tv show. So far the weather is great, but just in case call a few days ahead to be up to date. I'll send a list of what to bring if you e-mail me your address. We need the deposit of 100.00 by the 29th of March. You may contact Justin at (520) 674-5678 or mail it to his address: Box 881 Chinle, Arizona. You may also call me at (619) 444-4996, fax (619) 444-6507, email: kfrankli@sdcoe.k12.ca.us.
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