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Hi, Connie; Well, couldn't just sit here, could I? I hope he can figure out a really good answer, because he really doesn't want to meet me in person! I just hate it when a government official thinks he can just hand out a pat answer and get away with it! Katee
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- To: owensall@sierranet.net
- Subject: Re: [Fwd: Horses in Yosemite]]
- From: cberto@juno.com
- Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 02:43:03 EST
- Cc: Cberto@juno.com, htrails@earthlink.net
- References: <350D929F.2A0B@sierranet.net>
On Mon, 16 Mar 1998 12:59:11 -0800 owens <owensall@sierranet.net> writes: >This is a multi-part message in MIME format. HOLY COW, Katee! I hope you don't mind that I am copying your excellent letter and Jerry Mitchell's reply to Nancy DuPont, the CEO of Heritage Trails, Inc., and who has been the leading lady in the Yosemite battle. It would appear that some *serious* backpaddling is going on from their end. When we equestrians had that meeting on Concord on the 9th of January, Mr Mitchell sure didn't use the excuse of the "concessionaire" as causing our concern! (What do you think, Nancy?) However, the fact remains that in the forthcoming Yosemite Management Plan, there are no horse campsites, no equestrian staging areas, no Valley floor trails, and no connections re Valley floor/upland wilderness areas, for horses. Now, if that isn't eliminating horses from Yosemite, What Is? Again, thank you so much for writing, and for clueing me in on JM's response. Maybe they *are* having 2nd thoughts about taking on the horse people! Cheers (;-), Connie > >--------------2A964A9F14A1 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > >Dear Connie; >Nice to meet you on Saturday. I am forwarding this to you...do you >think he's above-board on this? >Katee > >--------------2A964A9F14A1 >Content-Type: message/rfc822 >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Content-Disposition: inline > >X-POP3-Rcpt: owensall@yosemite >Return-Path: Jerry_Mitchell@nps.gov >Received: from bigbird.itd.nps.gov ([]) by >yosemite.sierranet.net (8.8.7/8.6.9) with SMTP id KAA26057 for ><owensall@sierranet.net>; Mon, 16 Mar 1998 10:39:52 -0800 >Received: from ccmail.itd.nps.gov by bigbird.itd.nps.gov >(SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) > id MAA16199; Mon, 16 Mar 1998 12:49:31 -0500 >Received: from ccMail by ccmail.itd.nps.gov > (IMA Internet Exchange 2.12 Enterprise) id 0009FEC1; Mon, 16 Mar >1998 13:32:06 -0500 >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1988 10:20:39 -0500 >Message-ID: <0009FEC1.1235@nps.gov> >From: Jerry_Mitchell@nps.gov (Jerry Mitchell) >To: owens <owensall@sierranet.net> >Subject: Re: [Fwd: Horses in Yosemite] >Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="IMA.Boundary.621370098" > >--IMA.Boundary.621370098 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Content-Description: cc:Mail note part > >Dear Katie--I know of no plans for Yosemite >that call for closing the Park to horses. >That was a misconception that grew out of >the concessioner asking to be allowed to >discontinue the trail ride in the valley, >because of liability costs. Even that, we >have not made a decision on (we have many >public comments to consider for the Valley >Implementation Plan). Thanks for the >comments. JMMitchell > >Message-ID: <3505E287.665C@sierranet.net> >Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 17:01:59 -0800 From: >owens <owensall@sierranet.net> Reply-To: >owensall@sierranet.net >X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01C-KIT (Win95; U) >MIME-Version: 1.0 >To: sranleyalbright@nps.gov >CC: jerry-mitchell@nps.gov >Subject: Horses in Yosemite >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > >Dear Mr. Albright; >I am a resident of Coarsegold, CA, a little town near Yosemite >National >Park. I am a horse owner and ride my horses on all the trails I can >find around here, including Yosemite. I understand that it is in the >works to close off the Park to horses and feel very strongly that that > >is wrong! >I want to implore you to fight for keeping our trails and rights to be > >there. I encourage you to keep group use camps, staging areas for >those >who travel and wish to stay the night, keep access from the valley >floor >to wilderness trails, and keep the stables. >Although it may currently be fashionable to hike and ride bicycles, my > >only way to see the wilderness is by horseback. How can you justify >paving bike trails and eliminating horses? That hardly seems very >ecologically sound. My knees and feet are not able to take the stress > >of either the bike or the hike. I do not see where the horses do any >damage or cause any harm. Whenever I have ridden there, people are >fascinated by my beautiful, sweet Arabian, and I gladly let people pet > >him, enhancing their vacation from the city or foreign country! There > >are plenty of pictures of my horse in people's photo albums, I can >assure you! Many of these travelers have never seen a horse before! >One thing I want you to remember: the park is for LOCALS too! >I hope this is timely. I have been concerned for awhile, but have not > >had an address. >Sincerely, >Katee Owens, and family of six > >--IMA.Boundary.621370098 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name="RFC822 message >headers" >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Content-Description: cc:Mail note part >Content-Disposition: inline; filename="RFC822 message headers" > >Received: from yosemite.sierranet.net ( by >ccmail.itd.nps.gov with >SMTP > (IMA Internet Exchange 2.12 Enterprise) id 000C2BD0; Tue, 10 Mar 98 >20:54:07 >-0500 >Received: from default (ppp-16.sierranet.net []) by >yosemite.sierranet.net (8.8.7/8.6.9) with SMTP id SAA15850; Tue, 10 >Mar 1998 >18:25:10 -0800 >Message-ID: <3505F70E.57F0@sierranet.net> >Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 18:29:34 -0800 >From: owens <owensall@sierranet.net> >Reply-To: owensall@sierranet.net >X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01C-KIT (Win95; U) >MIME-Version: 1.0 >To: stanleyalbright@nps.gov >CC: jerry_mitchell@nps.gov >Subject: [Fwd: Horses in Yosemite] >Content-Type: message/rfc822 >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Content-Disposition: inline > >--IMA.Boundary.621370098-- > > >--------------2A964A9F14A1-- > > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. 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