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Re: Horses
On Mon, 16 Mar 1998 16:44:11 EST CMKSAGEHIL <CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com> writes:
>Thirdly, when actually at rides with a young horse, I will mount
>start, and ride the other direction, so that my horse does not get
>caught up
>in the hullabaloo at the start. I will ride around until other people
>the same thing begin to leave, and I will calmly leave with them. I
>will do
>everything in my power to never let the horse think that there is
>here to be overly excited about.
I couldn't help commenting on this - because it is exactly what we did
this weekend at the Kentucky Stampede. My youngster was doing his first
50. A friend was bringing back a horse that had some surgery last year
and wanted to take it easy, too. So, we stayed well away from the
starting line confusion and waited 10 minutes before beginning our ride.
Then we were able to treat it much like a ride back home where we just
stayed in a steady trot all day. No stupid stuff at all - except for a
plastic garbage bag that blew up onto a fence in front of us! Sure was
nice to have him be so good, especially after the struggles we had at
both of the 25 mile rides we did last fall. This ride was a real
for him. I'm not sure about how much he learned on the earlier ones...
Dave Bennett
Rocketeer - "So THIS is a 50!!!"
Chickamauga, Georgia
email: benamil@juno.com
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