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WHJ conditioning program
Hi Suzanne -- I saw that article too and thought like you, much too
conservative (sorry Mitch!). I won't even saddle up for just a
20-minute ride; if that's all the time I can spare I'd rather do ground
work, reinforcing responses, driving harness, etc., etc. I read
someplace that walking is one gait that builds up without tearing down
(Heidi, do you agree?) so with my youngster I walk up hills, hills,
hills and so far, so good. Actually, going *down* these same hills
carrying me, and at a careful pace, has been and still is a major
education for him since in his home pasture he was used to FLYING
downhill. I saw him (as a 3 yr old) jump off a five-foot (yes!)
embankment onto a dirt fire road below with no problem and no
aftereffects but I just about DIED watching him. Its occured to me
that horses at liberty will perform physical maneuvers, real wing-dings,
that I wouldn't dream of asking them to do for fear of damaging them
BTW, how is Triton Natalie (sp) coming along?
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