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lost saddle
I lost my sports saddle and would appreciate any information that you may be
able to provide. I left it in the parking lot along the edge of Liberty Rd.
(Rt 32), near the Liberty Resevoir, near Sykesville (Baltimore) Maryland on
Tuesday, March 9, 1997 in the afternoon (stupid me). When I went back to get
it on Wednesday, it was gone.
The saddle is a 15 inch brown sports saddle. It had a black sheepskin full
cover (easily removable) and a neoprene girth covering a cottage craft insert.
The small flaps on it had a few small holes which I used to secure the cover.
If you know of anyone having or selling the saddle, please let me know. No
questions asked, reward of $100. I just can't afford to replace it. Thanks
for your help.
Peggy Thompson
301 432-2451 (collect is OK)
MTHOMP7007 @aol.com
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