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Re: RE :HR monitor placement
In a message dated 98-03-12 03:02:14 EST, Leonard.LIESENS@DG10.cec.be writes:
<< Hi Emil,
Sorry to ell you that, but this kind of HRM doesn't work well. I got one 2
years ago and tried every possible tricks to have it working. Sometimes it
does sometimes it doesn't; once I got the girth under the hind legs by doing
very stepp hills with my stallion (you know with the same effect as the bronco
that you force to buck at the rodeo events with this girth...); every time I
used it at the front of the girth, it was rubbing the horse; if I put it under
the girth, then the transmitter diidn't wotk at all; also erratic reading were
very common...
sorry, but this is a bad buy.
cheers >>
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