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Re Bucking
Now this topic brings back some awfull memories,we bought this mare, for me
to do endurance on,she moved like a dream,the vets at the vet check could
not believe her low pulses,and boy could she buck,she sent me flying on a
regular basis,in fact every day,I could sit six to eight of these bucks
then i would naturally fall off,once she had me off she was delighted with
her bitchy self at head for home bucking like a bronco all the way.Me being
me perservered with this horse,she way lovely to work with,no stable vices
at all,but once I got on her it was a diffrent story,she would also finish
a 50 Miler with a pulse of 32,
Anyway eventually before one of the rides I started getting awfull
headaches and headed to my doc,he went balistic I was severly concussed
from all the falling off(I always wear a helmut)Well that was it,then we
discovered she actually hated woman on her and behaved perfectly with a
man, I was astounded,bloody horse,I have stopped riding her ,and being a
valuable broodmare have put her in foal,her first foal is very much like
her mother,she is now three and I will train her the Monty Roberts
way,maybe that will help the young filly not to be like her mother.She is
a cheeckly little devil I can forsee the two of us having great fun in the
future.Hope she has her mothers pulses,that would be great.Utah mine
bucking bronco is again in foal to our stallion Southern Pride,who has a
amazing temprement,so we will wait and see what happens.
Oh, I rode Utah for two years no wonder i am half daft most of the time
Anyway that my two cents ppiece for the day .
Kathy "am on a roll this morning"
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