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New Horse
I am getting my American Saddlebred on Friday and I had a few questions.
First off, how long should I wait before I start my conditioning
program? Would Monday be too soon? Should I wait a week for him to get
used to the other horses and the new living arrangement or just jump
right into the new routine? Second question is, He has not been
riden,except a little here and there, since September. Do you think if
I condition 5-6 days a week with the LSD program that I would be ready
to enter a ride in May (a 25 miler)? I know that this has to depend on
the horse but, just saying that everything goes well. I'd like to start
planning a little. Then last but not least, will he be able to run
anything other than 25-30's this season? again just generally speaking.
Thanks in advance,
Angie and Maverick
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