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position in saddle uphill/downhill
Good answer, Marie! This was one of the first things I learned in NATRC
competition in 1972: center your position!
Not many casual riders realize that the horse will try to arch its back
going uphill (to get its legs under so as to push with its rear end) and
also will try to arch its back going downhill (to prop with the front
legs and brace with the rear). How many yahoos (not on endurance rides)
have I seen trundling downhill, sitting like a sack of potatoes, legs way
out front, feet "on the dashboard," whanging away on the poor horse's
kidneys with every step? Ouch!!
Going uphill, it's easy to forget about your lower leg position until
two things may happen: 1. your foot is so far back it bangs into your
horse's stifle (2) if you are in a flat saddle, your stirrup leather
slides off the safety bar (which of course is in the safe *down* or
*open* position pending its rusting into immobility). Look at pictures
of riders going over Cougar Rock and you'll see what I mean.
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