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Re: Slaves/Pit Crew
Cathy Adair wrote:
> Well, according to my longsuffering slave - I mean, husband - Truman is
> referring to the fact that if the "trail men" don't stick together they
> would end up being "camp men" (pit crews) and the only time they would
> see a spandex clad woman up close is when she's handing her horse to him
> and
> telling him to trot that horse for the vet and when he got finished, give
> her a backrub...and step on it! Somehow all the fun went out of the thrill
> of spandex for my slave :-) ... Used to be he'd say with that male smile
> (leer), why don't you model your new tights for me? Now he looks at me
> with that male frown (frown) and says suspiciously what ride are we going
> to? Can't you go without a crew?
> To keep this from being too fluffy I guess we should channel the topic into
> a discussion of ways to make men love to be our slaves aka pit crews... We
> used to bribe - I mean, repay - the crew by giving them whatever token we
> won - T-shirt etc. What's your way of thanking your crew .. and I know the
> women will keep it clean! Cathy
I thought it was all done for LOVE!!!!
Honestly, all I have to do is tell him he can sleep MOST of the weekend....that
works for me!!!!
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fn: Teddy Lancaster
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email;internet: Teddy@runningbear.com
title: President
note: "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Abraham Lincoln "Our government has no character"
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