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Re: Best way to carry DEAD WEIGHT???
I have tried many different ways of carrying dead weight. All were
detrimental to my horse. The only time he ever had back problems was carrying
dead weight. I think it deforms the saddle and causes it to put pressure in
different places. I have used stretchy sausage shaped scuba diving ankle
weights stretched around and screwed into the tree of the saddle. They did
not bounce this way. I have filled the hollow tree of a Boz saddle with
different kinds of weight. Sand is not a good idea; it leaked. Lead shot
sloshes around and makes a lot of noise, annoying to both the rider and others
close by. The saddle needs to be full to keep from sloshing. I tried a
mixture of acquarium rock and lead shot to fill the tree completely. This
made less noise. I also tried lead wool which I do not recommend. It
unravels and is impossible to get out completely. It is also quite toxic to
handle. I have used the lead backing from dental x-ray film ( I am a dentist
and have a large supply).
AT the North American Championship in Arizona I used a weight vest. I got it
from the Road runner catalog. It has one pound weights that screw into
holders on the foam vest. It can carry a maximum of 12 pounds. It is only
moderately uncomfortable. I wore it for 100 miles with no ill effects other
than moderately sore shoulders. This was by far the easiest way for the horse
to carry extra weight. It is no longer dead weight for the horse, but rather
for the rider. The weights had to be sealed according to FEI rules so I had
to have a steward let me out of the vest to rest at vet checks and then seal
me back in. It caused a lot of discussion and for a while there was talk
about having a new rule to prohibit carrying weight in this manner. I did get
a little nervous when I went up the hill from vet check three in a severe
thunder storm which set a tree on fire on the course. Judith Ogus used a
modified fishing vest with weights in at least one ride. She let me use it
once in a demonstration ride. I think that carrying the extra weight on the
rider is beneficial to the horse.
Debby Lyon
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