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Sciatica Question

Well, if I'm going to ask for advice, then I need to take it when I get
some that's good!

Thanks to those who responded to my question.  Jim Pascucci: I have to
respect any health care professional who considers he works as a team
with other professionals!  I have made an appointment with my physician,
and will tell her I am looking for a non-invasive treatment that will
relieve the pain and help me in my quest for better riding skills.
Where are you located, by the way?  One of my trainers tells me she had
severl rolfing sessions a few years ago following an accident, and they
really worked - just in case that approach seems indicated!

I have printed out Jim's comments, as well as Suz's from "Fit-to-Rub"
and Jan Mutchler's and will show them to my doctor when I go (3/20).
Linda Eisele:  Your goals seem to be the same as mine.  I'll get back to
you after my appointment with any information or ideas I get that you
might find useful.  Sounds like you are having more trouble than I am!

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