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Re: horse songs - this is fluff.
Thats what Equine-L list and OTHER lists are for. I would prefer when I
get mail from my ENDURANCE list that it was based on the endurance topic!
I don't have time, as many others of us, with work and conditioning to
scroll through a million non related messages deleting. It is easier to
pick the good posts when the list isn't cluttered with fluff stuff! If you
want something different then subscribe to more then 1 list. As for simple
pleasures this list and endurance is a pleasure to most of us. Just my
$.02 worth!
At 03:05 PM 3/10/98 -0600, you wrote:
> I myself have enjoyed the posts on horse songs. Most horse people I
>know always have the radio on in the barn. I think the horses enjoy it too.
>Please don't take away some of the simpler pleasures in life. It's
>refreshing to hear something different once in a while. I think some horse
>songs can inspire you to accomplish your goal. They've always managed to
>put a lump in my throat, and renew my great love for these magnificent
>creatures. Most songs have a story to tell and they reveal the true
>friendship and trust that I'm sure we all have experienced with our own
>horses. The list is slow right now , and horse songs aren't flamable are
>Elaine ( who always sings whenever the mood strikes, but Fidge says Please
>no Opera! )
Cheryl Newbanks
~~ ^ ^ Just In Time Ranch
~~~\ _ ~~/ /\ / Buckeye, AZ
( )__ ) ' ' horsetrails@inficad.com
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