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Re: Teeth and tails
I guess I'm too big a coward to try tailing or messing with a horse's
tail before I KNOW he's not going to kick me. I started out my guys by
just messing with their tails alot whenever I go out to feed, groom,
clean, whatever. All my guys are used to hands going everyhwere on
their bodies, and in Dakota's case, that idea started at birth before he
ever stood up. On an adult horse, I just start out from the side
touching the tail and progress until whenever I walk past from behind, I
grab the whole tail, flap it around, pull it, etc. It's a big game.
Then while they're tied being groomed, I'll start leaning back---they
usually look around like NOW what's she doing, but they know We're Being
Groomed, so still no big deal. Then I have someone lead them around
their arena while I'm still holding the tail, gradually start pulling
back a little. Start this out by just walking along to one side just
holding the end of the tail loosely. They know we're not on the trail,
so they're calmer and it's still just another dumb game Mom has thunked
up. Eventually I'll be leading them around myself, teach them to "walk
on" while I drop back, still holding the end of the lead rope and grab
the tail. You just continue this thread until you're on the trail,
holding the tail while the horse is told to "walk on".
Angela C. McGhee wrote:
> >>Second question....how do you teach a horse to tail without having
> >YOUR teeth
> >Start out on the flat by walking beside his hip
> I'm afraid I disagree. If a horse did have a tendence to kick, it would
> be more difficult on a hill where he's got more weight on his rear end.
> When you're on a narrow trail, heading uphill, in a line of horses, your
> horse is more likely to continue his path forward, even without your
> presence on his back or in front of him. If you're on the flat, chances
> are there's more room for him to get confused and weave around. The only
> person I've ever heard of getting kicked while tailing was doing it along
> a beach, and got a double whammy to the chest.
> Angie
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