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Re: Teeth and tails
On Mon, 9 Mar 98 17:52:22 EST, "teddy" <teddy@viper.runningbear.com>
>Teddy (only half-kidding) Did I ever tell anyone about my first time tailing?
>1.) DON'T do it ON THE WAY HOME...
>2.) DON'T grab for the stirrup strap on an english saddle.
>3.) DON'T do it AT ALL, unless you are PREPARED to walk a LONG way if necessary...
I was once flagging some trail in Bankhead Forest by myself, with a
fairly new horse. I decided it was time to teach him to tail. Well,
he went from a walk to a trot to a canter, and once he reached the
speed where it was either let go or get dragged on my face, I let go.
I contemplated a long walk as I watched him canter around the next
bend in the trail. Then I walked around the bend and there he was,
looking back with an expression of "Well, what happened to you?" on
his face.
Lesson learned.
Joe Long
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