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Cribbing Solved!!?
Thanks for all the suggestions on the cribbing problem. I think I have i
t relatively under control. Saturday morning I was out feeding in a driving rain
storm when I saw him cribbibg again. THAT DID IT. I cross wired a pasture settin
g for cedar corner post and using the metal posts in between them. What about th
e cedar posts you say, well I ran a piece of the electrical tape from one side t
o the other making a triangle at every corner. He will have to reach very far to get those posts. I stuck him in and of course he was a little antsy at first.
He imidateley went to one of the corners until he realized he could'nt reach
them. HE was not a happy camper. But throughout the day I never saw him crib, asa matter of fact he was actually grazing more. Maybe he will finnally pick up
some weight. Mind over horse, until he starts cribbing on the metal posts.
Micah Callough
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