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RE: Hw vs Fw
I'm a HW or close to it (210+ lbs of all american beef with tack that is mostly uh, all american ex-beef <g>), and I DON'T WANT a handicap that makes it easier for me to BC. If I select an appropriate horse to carry my weight and condition and ride appropriately, then in my opinion, I've created the same conditions for success as the FW rider.
If I want to be successful as measured by BC (which means that I've also top 10'd), then I have to work that much harder to be fitter and make sure my horse is fitter. I hate the thought of the FW's saying, "Well, HE got BC because he's a lard butt." I may be a lardbutt, but I'm a FAST lard butt. Or at least, I am in my dreams... :-)
Mike Sofen
Seattle, WA
-----Original Message-----
From: Truman Prevatt [SMTP:truman.prevatt@netsrq.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 08, 1998 5:04 PM
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: Re: Hw vs Fw
I think that HW riders have a better chance on tough rides. I don't think
they have a chance on of the 50 mile "race track rides". A lot of tough
ups, maybe tough weather seems to be the great equalizer.
For example last year the places 1, 3 and 4 at the OD were HW. A couple
years ago Mathew MacKay-Smith won both the OD and Tevis - and Mathew is no
small guy. And how many times has Sax won the Tevis carring a HW.
Maybe the trial is the great equalizer. There may be good reasons for
this. A horse carring more weight has to develop more strength than a
horse carring less weight. And it may were well be that strength is a key
to the tough rides.
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