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BC and weight
I do quite a few competitive rides here in the midwest and believe that the heavy weight rider puts a lot more strain on the horse than the lightweight. On 25 mi. rides winning lightweights have scores around 390-395 out of 400, and heavy weights around 370-380 for the same ride and conditions. The division is at 180 lbs with tack. Most of the difference is seen in the pulse and respiration scores with the heavy weight competitors showing 1 or 2 beats per 15 seconds and 1 or 2 breaths per 15 seconds more than lightweights. Heavy weights also seem to get 4-6 more fatigue points (0-20 scale vets opinion). Lameness deductions sore shoulders and sore backs seem to be more a function of horsemanship than weight of rider.
Anyway, the 1/2 pt per pound seems good to me.
Ed and Wendy Hauser
Sisu Farm
1140 37th St.
Hudson, WI 54016
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