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Re: t-shirts stories
I never got around to making a T-shirt out of it, but once pulled a
label off a canister of oxygen at the lab that said "WARNING: CONTENTS
MAY BE UNDER EXTREME PRESSURE" and pasted it across my forehead while
traipsing around during finals week. However, it wasn't so damn funny
after the label accidentally got sat on and spent an hour or two pasted
across the butt of my jeans. :-)
Susan Garlinghouse
Angela C. McGhee wrote:
> Cathy,
> I manage to barter for quite a few ride entries every year by designing
> the T-Shirts. (My degree is in Art, I'm supposed to be the illustrator,
> not the author) We were putting on a Triathlon (run, mountain bike, and
> ride). The rangers had told us to use any trails we liked, so we marked
> it over quite a few pipeline trails that had signs that read "Absolutely
> No Motorized Vehicles Beyond This Point". The day before the
> competition, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources fellow shows up and informs
> us that horses fall under the catagory of "motorized vehicles". UG. The
> next time we put on the triathlon, I made a copy of that sign and put it
> on back of the shirts. It kind of summed up the spirit of the
> competition.
> Angie
> P.S. If any of you need a T-Shirt done, and your ride is within driving
> distance of Chattanooga, TN. give me a call. I'll even bring another
> entry to split gas (Boy! am I cheap!)
> >very favorite t-shirt we won at a ride? And there's always a good
> >story
> >attached.
> >
> >Let's hear 'em.
> >
> >Cathy
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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