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Perfect Places to live
"From: lindavaneq@juno.com
To: bkwranch@cmn.net
Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: Re: perfect place to live?
Message-ID: <19980304.224001.3278.1.lindavaneq@juno.com>
By all means please don't move anywhere North of Denver and East of the
Contenental Divide. I know all the chambers of commerce, especially
ours, are trying to convince you to come. But, they are all lying. It
is a horrible place to live. Cost of living is the worst. Schools are
all gang and drug infested. People make New Yorkers sound friendly.
streets are unpaved and littered with trash and tumbleweeds. The taxes
are the highest you'll find and there is no law enforcement. There are
no trails to ride on. Rush Limbaugh didn't really come to a "Bake Sale"
here. That was all a hoax. There are no jobs or housing.
Please do not come here. Tell all your friends.
Tongue in cheek.
Linda Van Ceylon,
Fort Collins, CO"
I have to add a comment to Linda's very thoughtful and honest posting
about the Ft. Collins area. I was born there (a LONG time ago), and my
mother still lives up the Cache La Poudre Canyon with a 70-year-old
cabin next door to her that I will inherit and may be FORCED to retire
to. I have to agree - the weather and the people (except for my
mother) are awful, and everyone should stay as far away as possible!!!
And while I'm on the subject, I wouldn't recommend the San Francisco Bay
area either. The horses all have "attitude" and El Nino has ruined all
the trails forever. Stay away!
Tongue equally in cheek -
Robin Everett - Petaluma, CA
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