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Re: Perfect place to live?
On Wed, 04 Mar 1998 11:44:34 -0500, Terri
<radandt@stephenson.k12.mi.us> wrote:
>My husband and I have a *dream* of eventually moving to somewhere with
>mountains (probably the Rockies), and so I would like to know from all
>of you experienced campers/trailriders, where would you live, if you
>could live anywhere? Should have great access to trails, lots of
>beautiful scenery, not too many people, and, of course, mountains! Be
>as specific as possible, so I can start sending out job
>applications<VBG>. Thanks!
When I retired from my first career 18 months ago I faced that same
decision. I could go anywhere there was employment for network
administrators. I chose the front range of the Rockies in Colorado,
between Denver and Colorado Springs. I came without having a job, and
had two good offers in a week -- high-tech jobs are plentiful here.
In fact, most job skills are in high demand here.
I've got some photos of my homestead on my website at
It's not quite perfect -- too many people have discovered it -- but
it's close. I like to say it's where God goes on vacation.
Joe Long
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