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Re: put down the weapons

Let's talk riding

            Gee, that's not very grateful of you after all the entertainment we've
            provided--which you've obviously partaken of to the point of satiation. Does
            everything we talk about here have to manufacture road apples? Or are there
            other important aspects of the endurance sport that merit the occasional


Occassional "side-lines" such as self-defense serve to make us all aware of reality.  Most of us ride to avoid reality (me included), but those who avoid are those who are caught unprepared.  None of this hurts anyone, and may just open a few eyes on the way..

Especially those who would not have dogs at their rides.  By the way, I sincerely doibt that any public lands can legally ban the presense of dogs in camp.  But, certainly have the right to expell those who are a nusiance (as with people).

My dog is MORE than my best friend and comes with me EVERYWHERE...including rides that don't want them. I just make sure they behave.  

The gun is well hidden and has never been used except for practice at home.


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