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Re: Weapons
> As a total aside: I find it ironic all the people talking about wanting
> to have their dog along with them for the threat that dogs propose. As
> threatening animals go, horses are much more so than dogs...
True enough, but when I go to a ride, I tend to feel most potentially
threatened at stops along the road, not necessarily at camp itself.
Lots of people want to come up to the trailer and look and/or pet the
nice horsie, who is obviously no threat standing in a trailer, but few
want to mess with the (when the situation calls for it) barking border
collie(s) in the truck. If push came to shove, the horse is no help at
all if I'm not on his back, while I know for a fact that Solo can, will
and HAS actively attacked someone who was attacking me (and, I should
point out, has been trained to, and holds a Schutzhund protection
degree, so we're not talking about a loose cannon here).
Susan Garlinghouse
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