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SOS-Eastern High Sierra Classic
We have been so busy with the 20 Mule Team Ride that we just became aware
of the fact that written comment is now being sent to Congress regarding
the Hoover Addition West recommended for wilderness in the Forest Plan.
The Hoover Addition West is the area west of Bridgeport where the Eastern
High Sierra Classic Endurance Event is held each summer. It includes areas
in the Twin Lakes Canyons and in the Buckeye Canyon both areas used by the
ride. Many of you have ridden this ride and know that these areas in no
way meet wilderness characteristics which stipulate that roads must be at
least 3 miles away and show little evidence of man's influence. The Hoover
Wilderness as it stands now does have "outstanding opportunities for
solitude or primitive and unconfined type of recreation" for the heartiest
of hikers, packers and mountain climbers. The Addition does not; it is
heavily traveled all summers and although beautiful it is not pristine in
any sense of the word. Extending the wilderness in this area would
definitely impact a beautiful ride. Please send your feelings ASAP to
Central Nevada Ecosystem Planning Team, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, PO Box
539, Ely, NV 89301 or e-mail: /s=ateam/ou1=r04f09@mhsfsbo.attmail.com. This
is our chance to save this trail for future endurance riders and trail
riders. Please spread the word to your friends. Comments were do Mar.2 but
send them anyway.
Jim and Jackie Bumgardner
Fire Mountain Arabians -Home of Sierra Fadwah+/(Fadjur x Judhi) Race &
Endurance Training and Endurance & Race Bred Horses for Sale
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