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Posting for a stolen truck and endurance saddle for Vonita Bowers
- To: ridecamp <ridecamp@endurance.net>
- Subject: Posting for a stolen truck and endurance saddle for Vonita Bowers
- From: "Michael K. Maul" <mmaul@flash.net>
- Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 22:01:11 -0600
Following is a posting for Vonita Bowers - CT region.
Vonita's truck and saddle were stolen from her driveway today in Hughes
which is between Dallas, TX and Texarkana, Arkansas.
If you do see the saddle or truck - her contact information is below.
903-645-5575 or 903 639-2721
or fax location of the item to 903-639-2062
email: MBowers472@aol.com
The text of her note follows:
I was devastated to get up Sat. morning, the 28th and discover that my
had been stolen out of my driveway. In addition, my saddle I have been
riding in for the past 13 years was in it. We are awaiting the outcome
of the
investigation, but I realize there is little hope of recovering either.
I want all you riders all over the US to keep an eye out for my saddle.
It is very recognizable. It is an Action endurance model.(similiar to a
Saare in appearance) It has a plush seat bottoms beige sheepskin seat
cover that does not extend over the fenders. It has EZ ride stirrups of
aluminum type. It has had the stirrups leathers altered to buckle with
a blevins type buckle, but backwards to the way they come stock. At the
time it was stolen, it had a black biothane breast collar which was
covered with
fleece and a green vinyl bag with a heart monitor unit. The truck is
oxford white f350 turbo deisel ford four door with about
axle rear) Also it contained a gold AERC award jacket from about 86.
If in your shopping you run accross any of these items, please let
me know.
Vonita Bowers
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