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stretches, lactic acid & food
Okay, I have some new questions for the group.
1 - Stretching
According to my farrier, Lakota is a bit tight in the gaskin muscles.
I've noticed myself that the last couple of weeks, he doesn't want to
stretch his hind legs out very far when I pick his feet. I guess I need
to start helping him do stretches, like I do myself. Can anyone
recommend a good book? Is TTeam the best/most comprehensive system?
2 - Lactic Acid Buildup
My farrier postulated that Lakota is tight in the gaskins because he has
lactic acid buildup from my working him hard and not cooling him down
properly. Now, my farrier knows a lot about feet, but he thinks he
knows a lot about everything horse-related, and sometimes I'm a bit
sceptical, since he doesn't actually ride. :) Anyway, I've always been
under the impression that lactic acid buildup is a relatively short-term
thing, no? I mean, a hard workout one day, followed by a day of rest-play
in the pasture, and a light ride the next day ... is it possible for
lactic acid buildup to continue through a schedule like this? If so,
what am I doing wrong? How much cooling down does he need? I usually
walk him the last mile or so into the barn, walk him around 5-10 minutes,
then groom him, then put him out to pasture. He's never stalled. I go
by the temp on his chest when I touch him there with my hand, as to when
he is "cool" -- I can feel it since I do it every day. Is lactic acid
buildup unrelated to the actual body temp?
3 - Food
At home, Lakota loves his mid-day beet pulp snack, but he refused to eat
it this whole weekend. Now, the main reason I started feeding him beet
pulp in the first place, is because it's supposed to be such a great food
for him to eat before and during endurance rides!! So, is there
something I could add to it at the rides to make it more appealing? He
didn't want to eat beet pulp or hay during the holds, but he did keep
trying to eat something out of a nearby bucket -- looked like dark green
Cream of Wheat :) -- I have no idea what it was nor who it belonged to,
but Lakota rreeeaallllyyyy wanted to eat it!! Anyone have any idea what
was in there that he wanted so bad? Suggestions for ride foods for him?
His normal diet is sweet feed & alfalfa pellets twice a day, soaked
shredded beet pulp once a day, plus bermuda grass hay.
As always, all advice greatly appreciated!
Glenda & Lakota
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