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Re: AK-47s and scud missiles in Camp
> home over your tent. Fair warning, we're sum mean sumbeeches. We just
> drag 'em out behind the nearest sagebrush and plug 'em. That's the real
> reason why we put on rides out in the boonies, much easier to hide the
> bodies. :-D
At Oconee this weekend (ride story to follow soon ), I camped next to a
really funny cowboy-type fella riding the LD, definitely not an endurance
rider "type" if you know what I mean <VBG> but with a great personality,
big friendly smile, etc. He had some friends come over after the LD for
a picnic, and while I was putting my stuff away after the ride, I
overheard them talking. He said to his friends "Let me tell you, the
women who come to these rides? They are TOUGH. Right here, right now,
all around us, are some of the toughest women you are ever likely to
meet." I chuckled to myself as I continued putting my stuff away. I'm
not there yet, but I certainly have aspirations! :)
Glenda & Lakota
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