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Re: riding and weapons
On Mon, 2 Mar 1998 09:09:32 -0600, aburson@webtv.net (Anita Burson)
>I generally don't carry a gun and I have been advised over and over to
>do so.
After reading several of these responses I'd like to add to my earlier
post. As I said, I've never carried a gun on a ride, but I always
have one in the camper. Not because I fear trouble in an endurance
camp -- not at all. But sometimes I arrive a day early and am the
only rig in a remote campsite the first night, and many of the trips
encompass travel in remote areas. Not that only remote areas have
danger -- Bill Cosby's son was murdered while changing a tire on a Los
Angeles freeway!
Because I know I'll be travelling in many diverse jurisdictions where
handguns may be restricted, the weapon is well hidden. In all of my
travels I've never had to fetch it from its hidey-hole. I don't
expect to ever do so. But I'd rather have it along a thousand times
and not need it than not have it along once when I did.
Oops, to be fully truthful I must amend that. One night when camped a
day early in the Georgia backwoods I heard a boisterous commotion
nearby. When I went to investigate I had "Sting" with me. It was
just some drunk kids having a party; they never saw me and I didn't
confront them, I just went back to bed.
Joe Long
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