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Re: Weapon as camping equipment?
I recommend that you use what is best for you. If you perfer a handgun
please be proficient in its use AND check carefully the laws where you
are going and camping. All federal land is "no guns". Many states have
specific laws for transporting guns.
Keep your eyes open and try not to place yourself in a position of risk.
If you feel risk move somewhere else, do not worry about offending a new
friend they might not be.
/s/ Frank in Florida
Ann Hatfield wrote:
> I think it was Raymond who mentioned to a female ridecamper that it would
> be a good idea to carry a weapon, not that she could expect to use it at an
> endurance ride!
> Now isn't that a sad commentary! I suppose it's true. The only problem
> with that is one a friend skilled in self defense showed me, I could have
> it taken away from me pronto, being an amateur who was rather relutant to
> use the thing at all. This was a knife that I thought I was going to carry
> on my hitch hiking travels through Europe many years ago (now, no lectures
> on hitch hiking -this was in another era, in a more innocent age, I think).
> I carried a hatpin-yes, I'm serious, stop laughing, it was on same
> friend's advice. He said it wouldn't be looked for as a weapon and would
> have considerable effect if used briskly. Never did have to use it and met
> wonderful people everywhere-well, almost everywhere, Hamburg was one
> exception!
> But seriously, it worries me to think that we feel we have to go distance
> riding/camping with horses with weapons, and I wonder if we aren't better
> off not proliferating hand guns, etc. and just watching where we go-
> without weapons.
> Ann Hatfield
Frank W. Vans Evers
mailto:vans@cyberspy.com or mailto:vans@ccfs.centcom.mil
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