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Re: stirrups ...things I've learned.
I'm sure this has all been hashed over plenty. But here's my .02. I have
used the saddle for 1700 miles of competition on three rather differen
tArabs. I have never vetted in (or out) of a ride with a sore back, I'm
sure my day is coming, and since I've made this claim I guess I'll be
doomed to a saddle pull at the next ride. I got my Ortho for $500 so I
didn't buy it for that $$ reason. I didn't see Rio's back, but I did see
Saxx at the North American championship. I thought he had Desitin on his
back it was so white. He endorses that flexible tree saddle. To each
his own. I don't know what your friend is like, but I know lots of
saddlers around here and they only horses they know squat about are
sawhorses. Dane Frazier commented that the Ortho doesn't fit every
horse, but they were the most versatile he'd seen. I'm just not arguing
with success. How many miles of competition have you put on your horses?
I believe Susan Kasemayer just finished 4 or 5,000 on her Arabian that
she won the Pardners Award with last year, all on her Ortho-Flex. I'd
better send her a note and let her know it doesn't fit.
I have no problem with other saddles. There are some very nice ones, as
I noted the SR seemed, sometimes a cheapo happens to fit, that's great!
but what is your problem with some of us liking the Ortho-Flex?
How could anyone work 7 horses?
On Wed, 28 Jan 1998 06:17:17 -0600 "Shelley @ TRC" <trc@gte.net> writes:
>Dear Angie, I ride in a SR saddle, a Zes saddle , and a Dipietra
>depending on the horse. The Zes saddle is no longer Italian made, it
>made here in TX, by circle Y. The Zes tree has fit every ARABIAN I
>put it on.
> I like all 3 saddles and they are very easy to interchange
>they are all CENTERED riding saddles. I ride a variety of endurance
>horses, I have 7 right now, so I pick the saddle depending on the
> My SR was made specifcally for one of my arabs that has one
>larger than the other. The bone structure is different due to how he
>carried in the womb.
> The only saddle I do not like is the Orthoflex, I have seen more
>backs on Arabs than any other saddle. I think people buy them to say
>spent that much money on a saddle, its sort of a status symbol. If
>it is
>so good why did Rio have big white spots on his back?? I think the
>orthoflex fits very few endurance horses and it is too heavy. Why
>you buy a saddle designed by someone who really did not ride
> I knew someone who worked for Orthoflex and they told me that the
>saddle rarely fits and arab. I have many, many friends with dusty
>orthoflexes in their barns.
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