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Another horse for sale
Since this seems to be the day to advertise some horses for sale,
thought I'd add mine to the list:
I have a beautiful black Missouri Fox Trotter/Arab mix gelding, 8 years
old, 15 hands, weighing 1,025 pounds (by actual scale!). He has a star
and snip, and two white sox on near side. He is the 1997 Second place
novice horse in Competitive Trail for Region 4 (Texas, Oklahoma,
Arkansas and Louisana). I have also done several Limited Distance rides
on him and he has had good P&Rs and finished every ride started. This
horse has thousands of trail miles on him and is safe for anyone to
ride. Horse is capable of much more than rider! Asking $3,500. Might
negotiate some for a right match. Live in Texas.
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