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sanctioing LD rides

Somebody asked a question earlier about whether or not
LD rides should be sanctioned.

It is against AERC rules to for a ride manager to run 
a non-sanctioned event on the same course, at the 
same time, as a sanctioned (e.g. 50, 100 mile) event. 
(there are a few exceptions to this, such as futurities - IAHA). 
Ride managers can not, by the rules, hold a sanctioned 
50 mile ride, and a non-sanctioned 25 mile ride at the 
same time. It was brought to the attention of the board 
that this currently happens - and AERC really has no way 
of knowing about it... since it's usually announced 
at the ride, or by ride flyer, not through AERC.


(I'll have some convention updates, when I get caught up! )

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