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Re: TB Mag aritcle Nov/Dec97
On Fri, 23 Jan 1998 10:24:01 -0800 Kimberly Price <PLOUGH1@ix.netcom.com>
>Did anyone out there get this magazine? They skipped mine and the
>Jan/Feb98 refers to a saddle fitting article part 1 I'd really like to
>read. Maybe someone would be willing to copy and fax/mail it over?
>me know in private please, I sure would appreciate it!
>In the TB mag I just received last night (Jan/Feb98) the saddle
>conformation article is very good, but states that the stirrups on an
>english saddle are placed too far forward on the tree, where the most
>strength is, so balance cannot be obtained!?! I can't believe thats
>true. Comments?
I think people with short legs have more trouble with stirrups too far
forward. I know my 7 yr old daughter has an impossible task trying to
keep her legs back in her tiny little jumping saddle.
Angie McGhee
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