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Re: Dogs & kids in Camp

In a message dated 98-01-24 06:29:22 EST, you write:

<< Some people don't like dogs.  I can understand and live with that.  I
 personally don't like children.  However, I am willing to tolerate your
 well-behaved children at camp if you are willing to tolerate my well-behaved
 dog.  :))

 Glenda, I have to take exception to this, as dogs ARE NOT people!
 Much as I love my dogs, I sure don't expect other folks to!  If you
 don't like to "tolerate" peoples children, then stay at home! >>

Glenda, had to write you here because just as soon as I read your original
post I knew you were gonna get flamed.  I am a parent (of a human child!<g>)
myself, but let me tell you, I hear what you are saying!!!  As often as I've
ever been bothered by a dog who was noisy at inappropriate times, who ran wild
and loose about camp, who came over and messed with my stuff, and who proved
bothersome if not downright dangerous to the horses (as well as itself)--well,
AT LEAST that often have I experienced some other campers kids acting this
   Now, children are rambunctious things, no one needs to tell me that.  As
Grandma Moses or someone) once said: "God put the wiggle in your child. Don't
try to take it out!"  I agree here.  Children need to be able to run, make
noise, and play.  I am not talking about that.  But I know that I am not the
only one who has been frustrated by rude, obnoxious, out of control children
at rides.  Not only is it frustrating--it can be dangerous.  Horses are
creatures which react first, think later.  When combined with kids who are
behaving thusly, results can be disasterous.  Misbehaving kids do not belong
in ride camps.  The tragedy is, most of these kids have parents who thing
their little precious is an angel, and are indignant if you suggest that they
control their child.  So I guess there is no solution here.
     Anyway, just want you to know that there are those of us out here--even
those that are parents--who "hear you!"

Trish & "pretty David" & River the well behaved camp dog, and Brandy, the even
better behaved camp kid (who knows that if HER mother ever gets a complaint
from a fellow camper about her behavior, she is gonna be one sorry kid . . .)

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