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Sandblast Ride

Hi all,

Just an update about our ride.  The Sandblast Endurance Ride is Feb. 21,
l998 in Athens, TX at the Clemons Boy Scout Ranch.  Due to circumstances
the ride will not be published in the Endurance News before our ride date;
however, THE RIDE IS SANCTIONED BY AERC.  When we were marking trail a few
weeks ago following heavy rain (about 10 inches) the trails were great. 
Footing was good, just a few boggy spots but nothing bad.  Actually the
footing was better in some spots w/the rain packing down the sand.  Keeping
fingers crossed for good weather.
Thanks for all the requests for entries.  If anyone still needs an entry
let me know & send me your address.
Just a note about the dog thing.  Unfortunately the Boy Scout Ranch will
not allow dogs on the property.  This means if you bring a dog you will not
be allowed in.  This is their rule, not ours.  The ranch is a game preserve
(as some of you will find out on the pig trail) & they will not allow dogs.
 For us to be able to use this location we must abide by their rules. 
Personally I do not have a problem w/dogs at rides as long as they are well
behaved but I agree w/most of you that too many people let their dogs run
riot at camp.  
Anyway, enough of that.  If anyone has any questions about our ride, let me

Happy trails & hope to see you there,


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