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Re: Stumbling
YES. Star was a champion stumbler. I had him checked by the vet,had
chiropractic work done on him, worried about navicular. But as he and I
ride more and more, his stumbling has become less and less. The farrier has
shortened Star's toes in back, mostly because he overreaches a lot, but you
have to be careful with that or you can end up changing the horse;'s gait.
After watching Star closely, the farrier decided he was mostly lazy and not
picking up his feet.
After a year of riding him, he rarely stumbles now. When he does, it is
usually a sign that he needs his hooves trimmed.
chris paus
At 06:27 AM 1/22/98 -0600, Bob & Amber Roberts wrote:
>Does anyone have problems with their horse stumbling, no matter the
>angle of the hoof? If so, what is the solution?
- References:
- Stumbling
- From: Bob & Amber Roberts <mlaboure@flash.net>
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