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Re: is this fair?
Cyndi Craig wrote:
> i have been getting the feeling that the LD riders are the
> "stepchildren" of the aerc
> so here's a question for everyone.
> i recently received a mailing for a ride where they were priced as
> follows:
> 25 mile $55
> 50 mile $75
> 75 mile $100
> i was a little disconcerted because i felt the 25s weree being asked to
> pay more than their fair share. if you calculate it on a per-mile basis,
> the 25s are $2.20 a mile, whereas the 75s are only 1.30 a mile...almost
> double for the 25s..
Sounds like you need to see what other 25 mile rides in your area cost
to attend to see if this is reasonable. Compare limited distance
endurance to a competitive trail ride of the same distance, too.
Perhaps you could volunteer to assist with a ride and get an up close &
personal view of the finances involved. You'll be surprised how close
many rides come to barely breaking even.
Many of the incurred costs are fixed costs, regardless of the mileage
you may ride. Do you eat 1/3 of what the 75 milers eat? Do you think
the vet charges for their time for that weekend based on how far you
rode? Compare the cost of endurance rides to the entry fees in any open
horse show & see how cheap endurance really is!
The 25 mile distance <isn't> endurance by the classical definition - it
was developed as a distance to help train horses who may move up in the
future. The rules & spirit of the limited distance program supports
this ideal of completion with a lot of horse left/no racing/no
placings. 25 milers aren't looked down upon by the organization - in
fact they even have a distance program aimed at ltd distance events!
(It would take a HECK of a long time to reach the endurance mileage
program's award levels at 25 miles per ride!)
Not everyone wants to or can do 50's or 100's. It is a personal
choice. I was at a ride a couple of years ago where the 50 milers were
told that they were "riding half a ride" - talk about insulting! We
shrugged it off, but it still brings back bad memories. We should be
conscious of what we say that may tread on another's toes, but at the
same time, we as individuals need to grow some thicker hides. We each
need to strive for our own goals and have the strength of belief in
ourself & our horse so that things like this don't get under our skin.
Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Ranch
Bruceton MIlls, WV
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