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Re: convention

Hi All!

Won't make the convention personally, but I'd like to
mention that RideCamp T-Shirts and Sweatshirts are also
great ways to identify each other.  And they give you
something to pin your button on!

I bought a sweatshirt in Dec. last year... it is very
very good quality.  I wear it all the time (I work in
t-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans and tennies :)  ), wear it
to the ranch, wash it a lot and it is still in great shape.
Looks spiffy too!  And one day in Starbucks a girl and
her dad noticed it, asked me about it, and said they were
new endurance riders!

:) - kat myers
in San Mateo (No.) Ca. with Magnum the TB ex-racer

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