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RE: AERC completion time rule - feedback wanted

<Heidi says: 
Teddy makes the point that makes the rule change unnecessary--if there is
REALLY a good reason why an overtime rider should be granted completion,
petition the Board on a case-by-case basis.  Odds are they will listen, and if
there is truly merit, an exception may be granted.  This is FAR more palatable
      than a rule change.

Actually, all of this discussion may be moot...
(though quite interesting!)

I've read the existing rules a few more times, and as 
Ramey pointed out, it seems that there already is an
escape clause. I'd be curious to know what the actual
intent was (regarding overtime) when these rules were 
written. If one takes them literally, then rule 6.1. allows 
managers to grant completion even if rule 6.g. (Finishing
 within the prescribed maximum time.) is broken.

I don't suppose this has ever been challenged. However it would
be nice to have a straw vote from the board on whether rule 6.1.
would in fact allow a ride manager to grant completion to riders
who finished overtime, if 'the violation was not intentional, and did
not result in making the course easier or shorter'. 

If this is true, than it is 'legal' for ride managers to grant _completion
only_ (mileage only, no points or placing) to riders who do not finish within
the prescribed time. ... at their (honorable :) descretion. But it is
NOT 'legal' for ride managers to grant actual placement. 

Sounds to me like a case-by-case presentation and request to AERC 
is not even necessary, unless there is a protest.


AERC Rule 6 states:

Completion requires meeting all of the following criteria: 
	a. All riders and mounts must be present and accounted for at the start
of the  ride.

	b. Properly entered in the ride.
	 c. Obeying all the rules.
	d. Following the prescribed course, and doing multiple loops in the
correct order.
	e. Passing all control points.
	f. Passing vet check requirements
	g. Finishing within the prescribed maximum tine.
	h. Not being disqualified.
	i. Meeting criteria at post-finish-line check.
	j. Meeting any other criteria prescribed by ride management
	k. Not having been paced or prompted by an unentered, withdrawn, or
otherwise unauthorized equine, vehicle, or a person other than another
entrant. This does not preclude the ordinary support services of
attendants or pit crews. A crew may accompany their rider down a public
road in a support vehicle (unless there is a ride management prohibition
against it) provided they do not push or haze the equine.

Rule 6.1 - A competitor must pass all veterinarian criteria for completion; a
competitor who fails any of the other completion criteria should be pulled
from Top Ten placing, but may be allowed a completion, if in the opinion
of ride management, the violation was not intentional and did not result
in making the course easier or shorter.

-----Original Message-----
Sent:	Wednesday, January 14, 1998 8:58 AM
Subject:	Re: AERC completion time rule - feedback wanted

Teddy makes the point that makes the rule change unnecessary--if there is
REALLY a good reason why an overtime rider should be granted completion,
petition the Board on a case-by-case basis.  Odds are they will listen, and if
there is truly merit, an exception may be granted.  This is FAR more palatable
than a rule change.

Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)

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