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Re: Horse Trailors

I have just one recommendation when looking at trailers with living
quarters---there are alot of used trailers out there that had the front
tack area converted into living quarters, as opposed to the professional
jobs like Dean Jackson's.  The trailer we bought two years ago was
bought as an empty shell by the owner of a Ford dealership, who then had
his Service department do the conversion and installations of plumbing,
generators, etc.  They did a good job, and this trailer certainly has
EVERYTHING, but there were alot of little things that were just
installed a bit funny, that we later had to have re-installed or somehow
changed around to make it really work right.  For instance, the fresh
water tank held 45 gallons, but the waste water tank only held 15
gallons, and ALL waste wtaer (black and gray) went into that one
tank---if you filled it up taking a shower, then your toilets (in my
opinion, a higher priority) wouldn't flush.  Also, the waste water tank
wasn't vented, so odors came back up through the sinks.  Nasty, but
easily fixed.  There were other small things like the ways things were
wired, etc.

The point to all this is if you're looking at buying a "home-conversion"
trailer---and there are lots of really nice ones out there if you can't
buy one of the brand-new ones---it might be well worth the money to take
the trailer for a "pre-purchase exam" by a loccal RV service center. 
They'll be able to check everything out and tell you what's wrong or
missing.  Our service guys did a super job of adding just a few things
here or there to really make everything perfect, and it cost alot less
for their time than it did in our potential headaches.  Like everything
else, it's easier to deal with problems if you know about them ahead of

Good luck in finding your perfect trailer.

Susan Garlinghouse

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