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Re: Next endurance prospects
You can get some bargins in FL on all horses - not just Arabs. There seems
to be a large supply down here. From what I have seen a lot of the bargin
horses are bargins as a result of attitude more than anything else. I have
seen several horses picked up for a song because the owner couldn't handle
the horse. The horse was too hot, wanted to go on down the trail instead
of enjoy a good walking trail ride, wouldn't settle down in the ring, etc.
These horses had the type of attitude and drive you like (at least I like
<G>) in an endurance horse, It just needs to be directed. In the right
hands they made very good horses. Several have been resold for big bucks as
made endurance horses. It may have taken an extra year to get the horse
settled into the routine, but an extra year of LSD never hurt any horse.
Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm
Little Stormy - getting ready for her first ride in six years
The Rockman, a.k.a Misty Jr.
Jordy - Finaly getting his shot
Sarasota, FL
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