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pony prices

My $600. horse was bought to be saved from slaughter, and may never be 
a wonderful endurance horse.  But he is already a great trail horse and 
a good friend.

I've spent too much money to count on Mystery and I don't know if I 
would ever buy an unbroke 5 year old again.  But I don't add up the 
money, because it is spent on living, and I've only one life to enjoy 
that I know of.  I've enjoyed training and riding him and will spend 
tens of thousands more on him if he lives to be very old, and with no 
regret.  I can't imagine my life without a horse anymore...

Training, experience, conformation, can only judge a 
fair price on theses when you know what level of each you desire.  Are 
endurance rides the only thing you want to do with that horse?   Or is 
it just one thing out of many?  Do you want to achieve it quickly, 
where someone else has given you a head start (training, maturity).  Or 
take full credit (and take the full amount of time)?

Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab..around 300# heavier than when he came to 
me).   "I'll never starve again, and remember, no roofs over my head"

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