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Re: Paso Finos

Hi, ridecampers--

Dr. Carl Meyer makes an excellent point that professionals are often hesitant
to post because of the reaction that comes from people who think we are
absolutist because we have a degree.  It is scary to think that because of who
we are, people think we are making "scientific" statements.  We practice in
the real world, and real life is not a lab.  We do not have the advantage of
controls, double-blind studies, or government grants to make up protocols to
answer questions that we may have.  We DO have the training to try to
understand what we see and interpret things in view of a larger frame of
reference, and, hopefully, after years of experience, a background of case
material against which we can study a particular question or problem.  We also
have the training to report things as accurately as we can, such as stating
that we have small sample numbers so that information is taken accordingly.  I
can see by the succession of posts that the vast majority of people read and
understood what I wrote and did not feel "slammed."  Thank you.  I am not shy
and will continue to report what I have seen and observed over the years and
the miles, and hope that I can be of help to someone, somewhere.  I have been
on this list for a short time, and have already learned a few things myself,
thanks to the legitimate and rational exchange of ideas and information.

Pat, in my original post, when I mentioned that I had seen one Paso do well,
the horse I was referring to was Roanie.  Could not remember his or your name
at that moment, but I think you finished behind me at Lost Wheelbarrow on the
75-miler a few years ago, and you and Roanie did a super job on a tough,
tough, tough trail.  Someone had told me that you had a lot of miles on that
horse and had done a good job with him, and I was fascinated to watch the two
of you on the trail and in the checks.   Keep up the good work!

Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)

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