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Re: alfalfa and heart rate (long)
Yes, Yes, my thoughts exactly. I feed at least 50% alfalfa and give my
older mare only alf. and alf. pellets to be sure she can get enough with
fewer teeth (she also gets senior feed and lots of other good stuff). I
feel so much better now, as I have also been questioning my judgement.
Thanks for the reinforcement. Linda in O.B. (where the native hay
and grass is pretty much worthless)
Pam Johnson wrote:
> Teddy,
> Thanks so much for the info on types of alfalfa, east vs. west, and the
> fact that you feed 80% all year. I feed about 50 % when I can get good
> quality and my horse does so well on it. Eats alot less grain. Every time I
> have read a post about alfalfa I have questioned my judgement and am so
> relieved that you qualified it's worth as a good hay. Thanks.
> Pam in MA
> >PLEASE....alfalfa in the EAST is NOT like alfalfa in the west. I
> >feed 80% alfalfa ALL YEAR and IN COMPETITION with NO PROBLEMS and
> >have done so for 20 years. The type of alfala is of PRIME
> >importance.
> >
> >Teddy
> >>
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