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Family Dues
Glenda wrote: "<<... I have a friend in town who's interested in
endurance, who might like to
join AERC this year and do a ride, but $65 is a pretty big
Your friend can join for $48.75 using the Sundowner Discount.
Speaking as a Ride Manager, I see 100's of entries each year at my rides,
and I would venture to say that the majority of "families" are made up of
one adult and a child riding with one or more additional family members
who don't ride, never have ridden, and don't intend to ride
endurance..they crew and help Management at the rides by taking pulse
counts, timing, and doing anything else that needs to be done as long as
it does not conflict with "their riders". Personally, I have an idea
that most "AERC Family Members", pay the additional $10.00 per family
member - which adds to AERC income and the cost to AERC is almost nothing
because they don't ride or do anything else that accounts for an AERC
expense output.
This is just an observation from a prolific Ride Manager.
Randy Eiland
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