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Re: Why do you want families to pay more?
> I see NOWHERE that a "family" have to be married. In fact, IF it
> was true, I would think it is in violation of discrimination
> laws!!! The idea is that a "family" resides together....that's
> becasue each "family" gets ONE AERC News.
I have a friend in town who's interested in endurance, who might like to
join AERC this year and do a ride, but $65 is a pretty big commitment.
He doesn't live with me, though, so right now we can't join together at a
discounted rate and share the EN. Under our new proposal, however, he and
I could form a "group" and share one copy of the EN. We can't be a
"family" but I don't see any reason why we can't be a "group" -- if we
share one copy of the EN, which is ostensibly the reason for a family
discount now, then why not let us do it?
Glenda & Lakota
Mobile, AL
AERC # M18819 & H27310
SE Region
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