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Why do you want families to pay more?

I would like to know why it makes any difference to single people in
endurance what families have to pay. I have a husband and three kids who
would love to get started in endurance with me but we can't afford all
of us to ride at every ride so we will have to take turns on who gets to
ride at each ride this next year. Now you want to make it more expensive
for families to compete? WHY?? Why do you want to put more hardship on
families? What difference does it make to singles? I understand where
Tereasa would be upset because her mother and her rent the same space
and have to pay seperatly, when married people get a discount. But that
could be solved with a group policy. Why change the family rates? Geezz,
you guys, what do you have against families? Families have enough to pay
out for. 

Just confused,
Lynette in finally warming up ND. wrote:
> I feel that people that choose to become AERC members do just that "choose".
> Why do people always want to compare what they do, to what someone else does
> or has to do?  What difference does it make to you, as a single?  If you had a
> wife/husband and 3 kids that wanted to ride in the next coming year you might
> just sing a different tune.  Let see $75 family which includes two
> (husband/wife) and the three kids (under 18 in same house hold) $30 that
> totals to $105 and they only get one EN.  I figure, the EN mag. is worth at
> least $45 per year.  So whats the problem?  I think its great that the AERC
> give the families a break.  It's what good about the sport, families CAN
> compete together.  Do you know of any other sports that can claim the same?
> Tammy

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