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Re: Trail Use Protection
I do hope that at convention this year we give some direction to our "Trails
Committee" to send a representative to all National Trails Conferences, to
speak for AERC, and to bring back information to our organization. If we need
to send support letters to one area, that information can be shared through
articles in the Endurance News. We are so lucky, the "Trails Committee" has a
strong leader in Connie Berto. But she cannot be expected to go to all of the
public meetings around the country where the fate of our presence on trails is
being decided. We need to send the other members to conferences in their
areas of the Nation.
I believe if AERC spends some of our money to this end, why it will answer
that question, "What do we get for the dues we pay to the organization?" We
will get knowledgeable horse men to speak for us around the Nation, teaching
agency representatives our needs on the trails, and reassuring these same
agencies that our use does not damage the environment.
Lynge Simoni
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