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Re: Other Sport Horse Organization Membership Fee Structures

Subject: Re: Other Sport Horse Organization Membership Fee Structures
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Full-Name: Randy H Eiland
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Teresa wrote:

<<<".......Since AERC would be broke if not for the sponsorships that
Randy Eiland & the sponsorship committee brought in, we are not asking
for any reduction
in single membership dues at this time......">>>>

All who know me will agree that "humble" is not often used when
describing me, so, although I am very proud of the Sponsorship Committee
and what we accomplished for AERC this last year (and will continue to
accomplish in 1999), I must say that I don't necessarily agree that AERC
"would be broke if not for the sponsorships". 

The Sponsorships insure that we, the members of AERC, have a strong
kickstart going into the 1999 AERC Season without any dues increase. The
monies that AERC receives from the Sponsorships does not mean we reduce
dues, add lots of new awards, nor does the Board get an all expense paid
Midyear Meeting in Tahiti, and you can just forget about each full member
getting a new horse courtesy of AERC. In all seriousness, we still have
many financial obstacles to overcome and the real solution is to increase
our membership significantly.  Personally, I like the 7,500 level to
start with.  The SUNDOWNER DISCOUNT is one of the important keys to
increasing our membership.  Advertising and word of mouth are just as

Until we have a real grasp on our per member cost, and determining the
true number will not happen overnight, discussing any kind of dues
adjustment is very premature.  For those who are thinking about joining,
now is the time to take advantage of Sundowners 25% dues discount. 

Happy New Year to All.

Randy Eiland

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